REMICADE® (infliximab), in combination with methotrexate,
is for moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis.
I wouldn't let rheumatoid
stop me from helping my
As my mom gets older, I've been helping her more. But
w hen I was told I had rheum atoid arthritis (RA), I was
afraid I w o u ld n 't be able to continue helping her.
My rheum atologist prescribed something fo r the pain;
then I was on steroids fo r a short tim e, and then
m ethotrexate. But it really d id n 't help me enough.
I also found out RA can damage joints, as early as the
first year o f the disease. Even in some patients taking
m ethotrexate. My rheum atologist did some tests and
confirm ed th a t I already had some jo in t damage.
and th a t I was at risk fo r more.
But he said th a t we could take care o f my joints w ith
REMICADE® (infliximab). REMICADE,® used in combination
w ith methotrexate, can help w ith my pain, stiffness, and
swollen joints, help stop fu rth e r jo in t damage, and
improve physical function in many people w ith moderate
to severe RA. So I'd find it easier to do the things I need to
do every day.
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